Projects and Campaigns

Projects and campaigns are an important part of our work helping us make Dorset’s coast and countryside a great place for people, their dogs and wildlife.

Dorset Dogs - K9 Firewise Patrol

K9 Firewise Patrol – keeping our heathlands safe from wildfire

Our K9 Firewise Patrol dogs, along with their owners of course, help keep our heathlands safe from wildfires. They are eyes and ears on the ground, out and about.

The K9 Firewise Patrol is simply recording your walk with your four legged best friend, whilst keeping a watchful eye for any potential fires or any suspicious activity on the heathlands where you walk. A 1 hour induction and training session is provided.

In return you will receive a free lead and bandana for your dog to help spread the word of the amazing work you are doing to keep you, your community and wildlife safe form the devastating effects of wildfire. As part of the scheme we ask that you have adequate pet insurance that covers Third Party Public Liability.

K9 Firewise Patrol is a joint project between Dorset Dogs and Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service supported by Firewise UK.

Being part of the K9 Firewise Patrol team is really easy – you can volunteer while out for your regular walk

If you would like more information or to sign up to the scheme contact:

K9 Firewise Patrol Logo

Hengistbury Head

Hengistbury Head is a fascinating place not only for its wide variety of habitats including heathland, grassland, woodland, freshwater wetland and coastland but also for its internationally important archaeology and geology. It is also a popular and great location for a dog walk!

A funded project looking at a range of different engagement techniques over the course of 18 months with the aim of sharing knowledge about the site, its wildlife, and how we can best walk our dogs on the site for the benefit of both people, dogs, and wildlife.

A Stakeholder Group was assembled to best represent all those who enjoy Hengistbury Head in numerous different ways. Together with Stephen Jenkinson (Specialist Canine Access Advisor) the Stakeholder Group collaborated in a series of meetings to create a list of engagement methods to be trialled at Hengistbury Head.

Dorset Dogs Hengistbury Head

Mollie Taylor joined the team as Project Officer at Hengistbury Head to steer the scheme over the project term and continues to work as part of the Dorset Dogs team at this beautiful and sensitive coastal location.

Over the course of the project engagement trials included dog poo voting bins, an engagement bike, free Doggy Goody Bags with dog ice cream, improved site map signage, updated website information and a fantastic dog walking trail and bench.

Check out Hounds of Hengistbury Head on Facebook and Instagram.

Summer Campaign

Dorset’s stunning coast and countryside is much loved by local dog owners and doggy visitors to Dorset alike, with so many great places to enjoy a walk. During the pandemic, with travel restrictions in place, the South West saw a predicted increase in visitors booking on summer breaks.

With potentially lots of new dog owners excited to explore Dorset’s greenspaces we developed a Summer Campaign “Follow Our Lead” to promote responsible dog ownership to visitors to Dorset.

As part of the Summer Campaign we developed a series of reusable, weatherproof posters featuring ‘a message from the dogs of Dorset’ on one of the 5 key points of the Doggy Do Code.

Leave Only Pawprints

We know many dog owners take part in voluntary work at their local site, for example litter-picking, conducting wildlife surveys or carrying out practical work on site.

In 2020, we launched our Dorset Dogs Bucket Brigade with free recycled plastic buckets – kindly sponsored by I-Mac Fire and Security – available for dog walkers to use to litter pick on walkies (or as a beach bucket and then to take any litter away). Since then, we have held several ‘Leave only Pawprints’ self-led litter picks. A great way to help our environment whilst having a lovely time on walkies.

Thank you to all the local dog walking litter picking heroes and groups across the county who meet up to enjoy our beautiful countryside and coast and help to keep these special places clean.

Dorset Dogs - Leave Only Pawprints