Warning: graphic image in article

We’re really sad to report that this cow was attacked at Winfrith & Tadnoll nature reserve and subsequently had to be put to sleep. There has also recently been an attack on a sheep at Hengistbury Head, with the same devastating result.

Our dogs should always be on-lead near grazing animals, so look out for signs on site and follow requests. Always take the trouble to notice signs and information when you are visiting, it’s easy to walk past and miss something important. Also be aware there may be animals grazing in adjacent areas, so keep your dog in sight.

It’s worth repeating that all dogs should always be on lead near grazing animals at all times, unless you are being chased by cattle in which case you should let your dog off-lead to give them (and you) the best opportunity to get out of the area quickly.

Even when we are walking in off-lead areas we need to keep our dogs in sight and be certain we can call them back if we spot grazing animals or other potential issues, for the safety of our dogs, ourselves and other animals and visitors.

Image Copyright Mark Gallagher