Moving on
I’m just about to move on from Dorset Dogs and will miss the work very much – most especially the people and dogs I’ve met through it (the loss of early mornings standing outside with the information pit stop in the depths of winter will be a little easier to bear!).

It will be an exciting time for the new Dorset Dogs officer to start, if you’re interested in the job take a look at the deadline is 24 Aug 2020. You can be sure Dorset Dogs will keep growing, offering best practice guidance to land managers, innovating and putting on great events, giving interesting and reliable information on the website, with the lively Facebook forum and Instagram to keep you in touch with the latest news and topics.

Dorset Dogs Summer 6
Can I ask you to please do the Dorset Dogs Summer 6 survey? – it’s just 6 questions and will take just a minute or two, here it is: it closes on 20 August.

Join the Bucket Brigade!
Dorset Dogs has something brand new for you to join in with – #BucketBrigade! You can pick up one of our special buckets, take it with you on walkies to pick up litter and then, if you like, share a photo of yourself/bucket/dog (or all 3) and post to Dorset Dogs Facebook, email or message it to us or put it on Instagram! You could even use it to carry your picnic or as a beach bucket then take any your litter away in it (plus some extra!) afterwards!

The buckets are made from recycled plastic and carry the Dorset Dogs logo and that of I-Mac Fire & Security who have very kindly sponsored the kit. I-Mac are brilliant supporters of Dorset Dogs and have been the sponsors of Dorset Dogs Festival for some years now – with this year’s Festival not possible it’s fantastic they’ve been able to help us to start up #BucketBrigade instead. If you can get involved in #BucketBrigade it’s a great way to help our local environment and share not just photos but also the Dorset Dogs belief that dog owners can be a great asset to the places where they walk! Post and look out for #bucketbrigade photos on DD Facebook & Instagram.

To join in just come to the office on Tuesday 18th August between 18:30 and 19:30 or on Thursday 20th August between 10:00-14:00 and Chloe will give you your bucket! Find the buckets outside (no need to enter the building) at the Urban Wildlife Centre, Beacon Hill Lane, Corfe Mullen, BH21 3RX (nearly opposite the car park of the Holme Bush Inn), you can leave a donation if you like but they are free thanks to I-Mac sponsorship. If you’re reading this after those dates just use the contact form or email or message via Fb to find out when you can get a bucket!

Do remember that we have a lively Facebook page so do join us there, follow us on Instagram and if you’re not a member yet, do join, it’s free! Once guided walkies resume anyone is welcome to come along, there’s always a mix of new and familiar faces, they will be listed on the events page here and on Facebook.

So can I say many thanks to the many friends I have made throughout my time at Dorset Dogs, after I finish on 21 August I may still pop up at guided walkies – but this time I will be a walker not a talker & bringing my Alfie (crikey I hope he behaves ;0) – Su, Dorset Dogs Officer.